Ricardo Gil exhibits his “Art Crops” [Cultivos de Arte]
A selection of pieces that seek to inspire interest on nature
An exhibition where art and nature combine is delivered through Organic Arte, currently in room G15 of the Centro de Arte Los Galpones, where the Venezuelan artist Ricardo Gil Mendoza offers little samples of raised garden beds, which can be beheld until December 21th, and next year from January 2nd to the 15th.
Founder of Aqua-Rego Corporation, Ricardo Gil has worked over almost two decades on the development of irrigation systems in ornamental areas, gardens, squares, sport facilities, monuments, highways, avenues, and apartment garden beds, all this with a landscaping vision through which he reflects his passion for the vegetal world that has been present in his life since his early childhood.
Based on his knowledge on agronomy, alternative techniques of food production (hydroponics and organic farming), landscaping and ornamental agriculture, Gil presents in this exhibition a selection of pieces that seek to inspire interest on nature on the beholder and raise awareness on his relationship with environment, as he explains.
“Any of the pieces displayed here ‘belong’ to the Author, but to the person that holds it as its own and establishes a connection with it, bearing in mind the essential elements in nature: Soil, as the support and provider of nutrients allowing the development of living beings; Air, as plants breathe… during the day they transform our waste, carbon dioxide into oxygen which they share with us at night; Water: composing between 75% and 90% of plants, like ourselves they need it in specified amounts, frequency and form; Fire: radiation and hours of exposure to the sun, the energy source in the right extent… All these aspects are to be considered when locating a piece of work… But we can also appreciate how all living things seek to adapt to their environment and hold on to life… where intuition endows more help that reason…” he states.
On his part, Ricardo Bello, professor, writer and researcher on visual arts, considers that Ricardo Gil’s work holds a spiritual and psychological dimension that surpasses the architectural and engineering realms. “It entails the aspect of mental health he proposes when embellishing houses, buildings or public squares with a reality that very few of us take for granted: beauty.”
According to Bello, artists have always tried to represent the inherent beauty of a landscape through traditional means, such as painting and photography, but Ricardo Gil goes beyond, “he decides to incorporate nature in urban spaces, exacerbating and empowering those places where the city grows, proposing a reflection on the environment that belong to us and that we deserve… The balance and sound judgment in his proposal reaches us without any apparent effort because it is the indisputable evidence of the need of this kind of works that heighten and enable the pursuit of a life full of esthetic blessings.”
The work of Ricardo Gil can be appreciated this year until December 21th, and next year from January 2nd to the 15th at the G15 of Centro de Arte Los Galpones.